The detailed statue

Today my friend and I was going for a walk. We went for a walk and we were walking and I saw a statue with flowers all around it and vines but it was a pretty unusual It was in the middle of the road I was pretty confused you couldn’t come Rude rude cousin get stuck but it actually looks really pretty I like tell the jeans were like actually like detailed it was actually really pretty but my friend and then I went through and started looking then we got some ice cream we just arrived home

The orange fuits

… the orange one spoke first…




I did’t get why a orange would speak its. Not alive I was thinking am I dreaming I was. Then the orange one spoke first there was more like bananas, apples and pineapple they all said lets got to the park on the bench there was a peace of paper saying got to some where you sleep I asked the banana whats happening the said it’s a Scavenger hunt I was scared but the winning prize is $100 I really wanted to win. Bet we tried we did not win but we were was happy for the other team.

My convinsing dog


I really want a puppy. It would be Frightening if got bitten. I want a brown Labrador, they are so cute. I really want the puppy to chase a ball. But I’m scared if they will pop a balloon,  Then I was thinking should I get a puppy I asked my family if I should get a puppy, they mostly said yes but my dad said no because he had to pay for it but eventually, Dad got me a puppy. It was a girl puppy. I named her Coco she was so cute.